I am going to be a bridesmaid for the 5th time this year- well, technically 4th and 5th time as I will be in 2. Isn't there some sort of saying about girls like me...
I think it's more of a blessing than a curse, because I think this happens for a reason. Not as in "all things happen for a reason", but as in there is an actual reason this happens. It's where people put their priorities (and I don't mean that in a haughty sense, please read on). The fact that I have had 5 friends ask me to stand with them for this important decision and life change is pretty incredible. I have good friendships and I have put them at a priority in my life (also keep in my mind: I am an only child). Maybe at a cost to other things in my life. Or, maybe in order to not deal with other things. Another thing, I take being a bridesmaid pretty seriously. I am a part of your union and will do my best to keep it that way and do what I can to keep the union. It's not a popularity contest, it's a matter of who is going to be there and support you.
I do want to say a few things about being 25 and single for most of my life. While I do believe "Being alone... there's a certain dignity to it", there are times when I don't want to be alone, but I still want my dignity. For too long, I've thought it was either you are so happy being single or you are desperate and pathetic. Well, I'm learning there is a middle ground and I'm getting there. I have friends in so many different places in life and really have just come to the conclusion that life can be difficult (single or attached), but life can be awesome and it really is what you make of it. Being free and independent can be great, sharing experiences with one person can be great; being alone and frustrated can be hard, dealing with one person for the rest of your life can be hard. The grass isn't any greener on the other side; really your own grass is just fine, but if you don't like it, work on your it and stop envying other grass (because they are probably thinking the same thing... or looking at other grass). Wow, that analogy went far, huh? I just don't want to be pitied or pressured.
Wanna know my least favorite question I get as a single girl? When I tell people my ideas and plans for my life, they respond with "Well, just wait till you meet a special guy." First of all, I never really know how to respond to that (especially because, compared to others, I really don't get that much grief about being single). Second, I just want to ask "Who is this guy that is going to come in and ruin everything?" I mean, don't you want someone with similar passions and ideas or at least supports yours, instead of resenting someone for "holding you back"? I realize things change and people change (I've changed "on my own"... just look at where I'm living, anything can happen), but I hope no one sets everything they truly care about aside to be with someone who doesn't support their own passions and ideas. And, I certainly hope no one thinks I'm that girl who will, just to not be alone. Ultimately, I never say any of this to the person, I probably just sort of half fake laugh.
Lastly, I am grateful for the my single life I've had. I've made some great friends, done some neat things, and taken advantage of being independent. My abilities to be on my own, make tough decisions and navigate the world by myself are things I wouldn't trade for much. Your life experiences make you who you are. Enjoy it.