Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I've come closer to reaching the top

So, how many awards can one girl get??  My friend Brenna gave me a blog award!  Since it's probably for being super awesome (she didn't say, but I think I know her pretty well), I have to prove it by giving 7 random facts (well, that and it's called the "7 Facts Blog Awards").  I don't usually do these types of things, but since it's Brenna...

1.  I'm going to London for my dear friend Betsy's wedding in September!  As in, I actually have tickets, it's a done deal.

2.  While I love traveling, I hate the actual travel part.  I'm always stressed out on the way to the plane, but once I'm in a new place, I love figuring out what is going on.  In fact, here's a tip: only get a rough idea of where your hostel (or whatever) is and then you're forced to really look at the map and even ask for help!  It's how I keep my sense of direction sharp and meet some good people.

3.  I (semi) regret not changing my name to Mikki Mikaila Carline Holt when I went through all that official name drama.

4.  I don't regret one penny of what I paid for my VIP No Doubt experience and was so happy to spend it with special people.

5.  I still love punk music and miss going crazy at shows.

6.  I have 2 good friends from high school who were scared of me when we first met.

7.  I don't like watching award shows because I tear up (or, if I'm by myself, outright cry) at the speeches.  Even from people I've never heard of- sometimes harder at those because if they aren't super well known I feel like this is a bigger deal for them!  Needless to say, I won't be going to many Oscar parties in my lifetime.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little piece of me.  I'm not too sure who's out there reading this, but I'd like to give this award to 2 blogs and friends I enjoy:
Mari, The Unexpected Harvest
Lisa, Silent E