Friday, March 25, 2011

F@#k you, I'm a girl!

I gotta be honest, some things have been hard.  A few weeks ago I was kind of an emotional wreck.  While I've calmed down a bit, I'm taking a much needed "Mental Health Day" today.
It just feels like it's one thing after another and I'm getting a little tired of it.  Real tired.  There are many good things going on, but my mind gets cloudy with all the heavier things that I have a hard time remembering these blessings.  This isn't good.  Now I'm only thinking about that... hehe.  I would just like a few months of stability (man, I'm getting old).
I've been thinking about my anger a bit in the last few weeks.  My anger might be where this focus on the bad things comes from.  The best response I've had to "No Doubt is my favorite band" is "Wow, you must a very angry person."  I was surprised by that, but there is a bit of anger in their songs and, if you've ever had the pleasure of seeing them live (especially in the 90s) you'll see more of that.  That's sort of how I am with anger too: quite angry, but not so obvious about it.  I think one of my biggest downfalls is my expectations of other people and things.  I hold people to this high standard that is unfair and I get disappointed (read: upset) when they fall short.
Another thing is that I don't really know how to express my anger, so I just bottle it up and then become bitter.  I come from a yelling family, we just yell whatever when we're mad.  However, I don't feel comfortable with yelling at people who are not in my family, so I don't really know how to constructively be mad at people.  Usually, it is expressed as sadness- maybe disappointment- and I can just be mean to the people I care about.  I also fear people being mad at me; I try not to bring it up their faults with them so that they won't bring up my faults to me.  Yes, I'm aware that this is not healthy.  Put on the list of things I need to deal with in my life.
Really, this all stems from my perfectionism... which, honestly, plagues my life.  I need to let go.
And, I want to apologize if you've experienced my anger, bitterness, complaining, etc.  I know it's annoying and I'm trying to figure it out.

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