Ok, Ok, faithful readers, I'm sorry for my absence (and for being boring... see comment on last post), really, truly I am. April was a funny month- lots of changes. There were some good times and some harder times. May has been a bit more fun. There are many things I've been thinking about lately, some things I want to address here soonish.
I'm gonna be lame for a minute and give you some highs and lows:
- House changes: Well, we started out with 6 people, then we were down to 5. At the beginning of May, Chloe's older sister, Hope, came to live and work in our community to get a sense of what Chloe loved about this place, so we were back up to 6. 2 weeks later, Jared basically got fired from his volunteer position and had to go home, back down to 5. 2 weeks after that, Hope decided it was too difficult for her to be away from her family. Now we are down to the "Core Four." We are getting another volunteer in July who will (at this point) be here for 2 years. Who knows what will happen next?!
- Trips to Denver: I went to a breastfeeding conference in Denver for a few days, it was great! Made me think about being a postpartum nurse again because those first few days are so important for establishing breastfeeding. And it gave me lots of resources for teaching clients before they deliver. Another trip was meeting my parents in Denver last weekend for my State Nightingale Award dinner. It was fun and quite fancy. I didn't trip and I didn't have to make a speech, so I was happy. However, I didn't win, but I was the youngest person by about 20 years, so I've got that going me! I was just so honored to be a part of it, maybe one day I'll make it to the top...
- Tests: Just FYI, I don't have HIV, Hep B or Hep C. I was giving Tuberculosis test shots at the fire department and I was wearing slick gloves. Well, as I was putting the safety cap on after giving a shot, I dropped the needle. It was so small, I thought the other side hit, but later I saw a stream of blood. I went to the ER to get tests done and the girl came back negative too, so I'm ok! I just felt kind of silly about the whole thing and hope that I never have that happen to me again, really I am quite careful.
- Easter: I just loved Holy Week and Easter in April. We had a nice Maundy Thursday dinner and Communion service with our little house church. The oldest town in Colorado is about an hour away, San Luis, and they have a great "Stations of the Cross" walk. Some of us went down and walked it, appropriately, in the rain and cold. On Easter, we attended a sunrise service and later had our church and friends over for lunch (or, if you're from the farm, dinner because it's nice). This was so lovely! It was a potluck, we had an egg hunt (with confetti!), and sat around singing hymns (Mennonite style- four part harmonies).
- Fun Happenings: A few benefits around town- Rennaissance time with Romeo and Juliet and starting the dance party at Generosity on Tap. A few walks- Coming Alive (a wellness program I coordinated at work) and Crop Walk (in the snow on May 1). A few birthday and going away parties. We are starting a garden at the house- I'm nervous and excited!
I will do my best to start this up again. My camera broke, so unless I get another one, I'll be more wordy than normal (and viewership will decline, I'm aware...). Thanks for checking in!
Thanks for the updates!