Sunday, October 31, 2010

So far, the climb

I've never been a part of a memorial service. I hope it's a long time until I have to do another one. It was a nice celebration of life. I put together a slideshow of pictures from her time out here. The music selection stressed me out, I had so many to choose from and people had their ideas. I had to make the 'exec dec' and pick one the one that I was most at peace with. This was "I'll Cover You (Reprise)" from 'Rent'. We sang 'Rent' many times and as a 'Rent' fan I would be honor if she played this for me. Although, I did have to use the movie version because that is the one she knew, so it was a little different for me.
I also had the privilege to say a few words about my time with Chloe. Here were my thoughts:

I believe everyone is put into your life for a reason- sometimes it's to help them, sometimes to help you. Well, usually I think I'm helping them and then I'll, humbly, realize it's just the opposite. Every once in a while it goes both ways.
Chloe is the closest I've come to a little sister. She was so interested in life and the bigger picture. My favorite memories of our time together are sitting in her room on our “wonderful” MVS chairs, drinking tea, and just talking about anything and everything. I would have my Seattle mug and she would have her Colorado mug. We were in different places in life and both appreciated that about each other. She reminds me of how to be young and carefree; I hope I didn't do the opposite to inspire her to be old and boring. She was full of questions about life outside of her own, which I had the privilege to encourage and attempt to answer when possible.
I have been so excited to see where life takes her and I have just known that she is going to impact many, many people through her years. I'm humbled to be a part of it and thank God for the rare opportunity to know a spirit like Chloe's, even for such a short time. It's amazing to think that her life is a part of this group and God is working through her here today, tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives. His work through her is not done- I see it in everyone here.
One of my favorite stories of hers is how every time she sees her Grandma, she tells Chloe “Remember, this is the best time of your life”. She lived that.

Before the service, we had the opportunity to dedicate a tree to her in front of our new house in Alamosa. This was such a beautiful thing, as she was the "caretaker of all living things" of the house- including her housemates! It will be such a blessing to see the tree blossom and be reminded of Chloe, her spirit and life.

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