Of course this is an intense time here at the house and really all of Alamosa will feel this as well. However, I had just finished this post when I got the news and as this is a blog to keep up with me, I want you to know what I was thinking before our little world was turned upside down. This was finished around 2:30 pm yesterday.
Ok, I'll be honest here (oh, have I not been?), sometimes I get nervous about 2 years here. So far, things have been fine and mostly I'm excited about what is going on here, but 2 years?? A lot happens in that amount time, but then again what's 2 years?
One of the biggest (and superficial) things I think is "Am I really going to go to bed before midnight every night for 2 years??". Oh gosh. It may not seem like a big deal, but I like to stay out late, I like to go out on the town, I looooove to dance for hours. Granted, this wasn't every weekend in Chicago, but it was enough to where it makes me sad to think it's not going to happen much during this time.
Then, of course, there are the finances of this endeaver. As I have mentioned, I'm pretty much not making any money. For those who know this part of me, I love to save, it's so fun! I've already decided to start saving $10 a month out of my $50, wow. I also know it can be an issue for me and I need to let go of that and not worry. Whatev, right? I want to be responsible and a good steward of what God has given me. Also, I want to change my attitudes and thoughts about money. I want to share gifts from God, I don't want to be a burden to others.
I think about friends around the country and world and miss them. I probably won't see you too much in these next few years, please don't forget about me! Travel is another thing I am going to miss, but it is also refreshing to be planting a life here to grow (awww....). It's interesting to be focusing and committing to a community, this comes with it's pleasures and challenges.
My music life will suffer through these years, I can feel it already. For the past few years, I have enjoyed buying tons of CDs (yes, actual CDs, as I am a big supporter of the creative process for the album as a whole). This was wonderful to fall back in love with music and learn more about it. I don't really have access to different music out here (although I'm loving Pandora lately), so I'm going to start soliciting people for mix CDs- if you want to help out this cause, let me know!
All that to say, my life is freeing here and simple. I have more time and interest in things that really matter. I'm seeing more problems in the world, but also trying to work on solutions (well, right now, I'm focusing on just the valley... but watch out, world!). With all this time, I give myself time not think about things and have fun! On that note, here are some photos from the past few weeks:
A lovely fall evening on my street
We travelled to Rocky Ford, CO, for a Mennonite Relief sale. This was a nice glimpse into the Mennonite world. There was food and crafts on sale and a live auction (one for random stuff and one for just quilts). The first item sold every year is a loaf of bread made by someone in the community (it's nothing special). This year, it sold for $1700 and then sliced up and sold for $400-500 a slice! The quilts sell in the thousands and are often redonated to be sold again. This where Mennonites shine- they are known to be thrifty (or stingy), but will give freely to those who really need it. All the proceeds from this sale went to Mennonite Central Committee- the other Mennonite mission group, hehe. [Updated: We stayed here on Friday night before the sale and Chloe's whole family (mom, dad, brother and sister) stayed in a hotel together, what a seemingly small blessing turned into a great gift from God]

I had my first visitor this weekend! My dear friend Betsy came into town for a few days of fun and laughter. We watched our favorite movie "Singles", went to the Dunes (these were so impressive to me), bought her halloween costume for $0.95, saw my new house (eek!), enjoyed the local brewery, went to a little get together with some friends here, and enjoy a morning at my coffee shop. All in all, a great weekend and I was so happy to share this valley that I'm falling in love with!

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