Saturday, October 2, 2010

Homegirl here to represent

Ok, some of these are overdue.

Last weekend, I went to Taos, New Mexico, with my housemates. We spent the day roaming around this cute little artist (read: touristy... who else is really going to support the artists, sorry guys) town. We met up with some of the people from that 'church' I told you about. Actually, this was an outing for the church. There was a past MVS couple who were staying in these houses outside of Taos called "Earthships". Yes, really, that's the name of this environmentally friendly housing community in the desert of New Mexico. It was interesting, to say the least, to see these house made in the side of dirt. There was pretty a purpose for everything in the house. I enjoyed our dinner there.

The next day, I went on a drive with a few friends through the Alamosa and Conejos Canyons in the San Juan Mountains to see the changing of the Aspen tree colors. Wow, this was beautiful (and made me realize I want a nicer camera to capture these beautiful things). I thoroughly enjoyed this. That night we had a "Labest Fest" with some of the La Puente volunteers in Alamosa. This is a Senegalese dish that is eaten communally with your left hand!

Tonight I had the chance to go to a demolition derby. Now, I'm not from 'round these parts, so I thought this was monster cars. I need to get my hickish past times straight! This is like adult bumper cars, but pretty fun to watch. We went south of La Jara to an even smaller town, Manassa. One of my favorite things was that there is an Amish community in this town, so you would be watching these cars ram into each other, then look up at the road and see a horse and buggy go by- that was pretty rad. I do have updates for life out here that I will be sharing soon.

1 comment:

  1. I Mikki!

    I've been periodically reading your blog. It sounds like you are having a totally different experience. How exciting! I am always amazed how adventurous you are and how you have the confidence to go out there and really try new things on.

    It would be very nice if you and Audrey corresponded and I will strongly encourage her to email you and check out your blog. She is involved with Wyldlife which is the jr high version of Young Life. This summer she went to a great Young Life camp in central Oregon and had her first real introduction to Christianity. It also didn't hurt to have a couple zip lines that went into a lake, a huge "bouncy thing" in the water and the annual evening "Club".

    Keep up the great blog. It is nice of you to share your experiences.

    Your aunt, Robinette
