Sunday, January 16, 2011

Assessing my life

I thought I'd share what my "normal life" is looking these days, so we can all be on the same page (and so this isn't just a place where I share my "deep" thoughts, oh goodness).

I work Monday through Thursday from 7:30 to 4:30 and now have a 35 minute commute! Oh, it makes life so much more simple. Most evenings, I have stuff going. On Mondays, we are starting to have family dinners again. Tuesday, or every other Tuesday, is knit night. Generally, I try to have Wednesday as my night "off". Thursday is church at our house, which has been so good for me to learn to be more open to hosting without so much of the responsibility of this-is-my-party sort of feel. Now, Fridays are my favorite day of the week. I'm the only one who has them off in the house. This is my time to myself that I cherish, I don't know what I would do without them. A few of my friends and I have started having brunch on Saturday mornings. This is so good for me as I have missed this from my "past life". The best part? I get a coffee, an egg, and a pancake for a grand total of $3 at my coffee shop! Things aren't super scheduled around here for the weekends, so it's sort of see-what-happens. Things that could happen: a hike, dinner with random people, helping out with an event, game night, brew pub, work around the house, some fun little local festival, and possibly an excursion to one of the small cute towns around the valley.

The weather has been weird here. On Tuesday morning it was -23 when I left the house, but I was able to go for a run outside in a tank top yesterday! It gets really cold at night, but it's pretty much sunny everyday so it warms up during the day. It snows every so often, but we should have had more snow by now according to locals. The local ski place gets the most snow in all of Colorado- can't wait to check it out!

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