Friday, September 10, 2010

It all comes full circle

A few years ago, I spent some time at a place called L'Abri in Liss, England, about an hour south of London. This was fabulous! I don't think I've really felt more at home in Christian community than there. And, I'm pretty sure that was the last time I "lived" in Christian community. It's a place to step out of regular life and take time to really think about things and ask questions- that's a big thing there, asking questions. You spend your days reading books, listening to lectures, talking to others, and working around the house. Well, I have learned something really exciting this week- you can get the lectures online, right here! This was one of my favorite things out there and now I can have without the community- hehe, just kidding! You can listen to everything from Francis Schaffer's collection to Grace Chicago Church's music director- yes, I listened to James' lecture when I was there and it was pretty good. This is going to be a great resource for all subjects relating to faith and religion, I highly recommend checking it out no matter where you stand these days on those subjects. Very interesting.
Another thing that is bringing me back to that trip to Europe is Taize. I had the chance to spend a weekend at the Taize community in France, which was an interesting and great experience. This evening, I went to a Taize service in Alamosa (the booming metropolis that is our closest town, of 9,000 people) with a few friends. These services are usually held in Catholic churches with an emphasis on being ecumenical, which is a fantastic idea (more on my thoughts on denominations later...).

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