So we had to move! I'm happy to tell you that we are officially residents of the booming metropolis of Alamosa! It's about 15 miles north of La Jara with a population of 10,000. All my housemates can now walk to work and my commute is about 25 minutes shorter. Pretty much our lives are in Alamosa- our friends, church, work, shops, etc. Our house is also really great- open and bright. Our house in La Jara really didn't have that much natural light, but this house has huge south facing windows in all the common rooms. We've been here for 2 weeks and have already had many people over (our church meets at our house as well) and people can just drop by to say hi! It will be just nice to be part of the larger community out here and be more connected. My favorite part? It's 4 blocks to my coffee shop! It is sort of weird that we're sort of starting this house here after volunteers have been living in La Jara for about 30 years. Here's to new traditions!
I'm excited to be going to Seattle at the end of the week! With the move and this trip, it gets me thinking about "home" and community. I like living here and I like why I'm living in community, however I miss Seattle and I miss living by myself. I've been alone at the house all week and it's made me realize just how much I miss living alone- I miss the freedom and the sense of ownership. While my community here is solidifying, I don't really know where home is or what that really means. When people ask where I'm from, I say "Originally, Seattle". Seattle is more home to me than anything else, I guess. I can't wait to be there for 5 full days!
May I present, the NEW MVS house in Alamosa...
The kitchen with lots of counter space:
Our welcoming living room:

My room! Yes, it's a bit smaller:

And, just to remind you that I'm living in Colorado:

Love from Alamosa!